Femme Feature: Kristin “Canadian” Kreuk

kristin kreuk bed

Vancouver native Kristin Kreuk stars in ‘Beauty and the Beast‘ (2012) premiering October 11th, 2012 on The CW. After spending much of her 20’s in Vancouver filming hit series ‘Smallville‘, which she is most known for, Kreuk has shifted out east to Toronto for ‘Beauty and the Beast‘. A little Canadian TV teenage drama series called ‘Edgemont‘ marked her beginnings and Canadian independent film ‘Partition‘ (2007) gave her a defining role. It’s safe to say Kreuk is something like a Canadian-gem with strong roots and ambitions. These ambitions include a project to empower teenage girls and a ‘female lens’ production company (Wiki).

kristin kreuk parition

Kristin Kreuk – filmography

Kristin Kreuk – more pics

Also see: Beauty and the Beast preview & trailers by aparoo

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Arrow (The CW) – Series Premiere Trailer

Arrow (The CW).

arrow the cw

Its been just over a year since Smallville went off the air but it seems like much longer. CW is back with an action/adventure based on the Green Arrow. Canadian actor Stephen Amell plays Oliver Queen/ Arrow. The best part is that its filmed right here in Vancouver as its predecessor (Smallville) was. With a summer full of The Avengers, The Amazing Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises, superhero fans will continue to be entertained as Arrow airs Wednesdays on the CW at 8pm EST starting October 10th.


Extended Preview:


aparoo says give this one a watch

Femme Feature: Kristin Kreuk

Kristin Kreuk is famous for her role in Smallville, filmed in my wonderful province the beautiful British Columbia. And what’s better than a show filmed here? — Kreuk is from here too! She’s also well known for her earlier role on Edgemont, the Canadian teen-drama series. I think I stopped following the Smallville series somewhere in the middle of season 7? I should get around to finishing the last couple seasons.

Smallville series premiere trailer — 10 seasons/ 10 years is quite the accomplishment.

Hot. Plus, she her story and circumstances behind becoming an actress are quite interesting, inspiring even? Here.

aparoo says woot hot Canadian actress